Recently we have seen how motorists can better manage the situation to make an auto insurance claim. But what if your insurer rejects the claim, what should you do?
Your insurer may conclude that there were mostly (or all) to blame, if the application concerns the theft of the vehicle or the vehicle itself
Your car insurance may contain a clause witch to refute the allegation
It was decided that the claim must be resolved by a different font, and content of coverage (especially in case of theft)
You provided information that was misleading or inaccurate
You are unable to provide receipts to support claims for vehicle theft
List price of your car is significantly less than the money they have invested in additional equipment or repair
Without insurance, your insurer will ask you to disclose information that may be of importance to them. You are required to do so, although the details are not requested, this is known as "good faith."
Insurance companies often use this approach to divide the very confused about the right to refuse or reduction of claims. If you encounter a situation with a car insurance claim some important points to remember:
The small print of your policy has a lot of weight to study in depth before, during and after your request (and preferably before a policeman in the first place)
Keep accurate records of conversations and correspondence with income can make a big difference in saving your application and the ultimate success of your claim
The number of distribution announced by your insurance company is not written in stone. Rather than simply accept the bid amount, you are absolutely justified to question the payment and make your point as to why it should be increased
If after all this still disagree with your decision to reject the claim or the level of compensation awarded for the next step would be to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service.
FOS acts as an independent arbitrator to resolve disputes between insurers and customers they deal with thousands of complaints each year.
The first step of complaining to the FOS is to reaffirm your car insurance claims have been fully processed by your insurance company. You can increase your complaint to the FOS if your insurance company has given a letter or a final response to your complaint or failed to do so within eight weeks.
If you need help from the Financial Ombudsman Service to help with your car insurance claim visit their website
Delays in resolving a claim for car insurance can lead to massive disruption in the lives of people. I hope this will help you do your job better the next application. We all need help from time to time, so please do not be discouraged in contact with the FSO to support your request.
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